What is Reiki? and how can it help?....Reiki is the "Universal Life Force Energy" that compliments all medical treatments and natural therapies-it balances the energy flow throughout the body.

~ Safe, gentle, and non-intrusive
~ Speeds up the healing process
~ Balances behavior
~ Relieves pain
~ Reduces injury recovery time

What does a treatment cost and how many are needed?

Equine & Human Adjustment & Treatment $80.00 + GST at my place. All horse treatment include solarium light treatment.  Any herbs, supplements, or products are as quoted.
Equine and Human Treatments are individually evaluated and include the appropriate services needed with explanation and consent with the client.
Travel Costs within 1 hour are $20.00 per horse. More than a hour travel time is $25.00 per horse. 
More than 3 hours is $30.00 per horse. 
Travelling out of province fees will be discussed at time of booking. 
Multiple Horses are required for long distance travel.                                            Canine treatments are $70.00 + GST per animal.                                                                      Feline treatments $60.00 + GST per animal. 
I require at least 48 hours notice to cancel an appointment or full payment of the appointment is due.  And pre payment will be required for future bookings. You are responsible for attending your appointment. If you want too confirm your appointment with me prior to your scheduled time, I’m happy too respond but I will NOT send out appointment reminders. 

How do I book a phone consult?

Phone consults are pre-booked and then YOU call 780-690-7317 at the designated time...All calls are ALBERTA time...the cost is $40.00 + GST = $42.00 per 15-30 minute consult.. all further treatments and supplements will be discussed at that time and a treatment plan established....Each consults is based on 1 animal per consult. Payment due by email money transfer prior to the appointment or by visa/MasterCard at the time of the appointment, 3% fee will be added to credit card payments. 24 hours notice is required when canceling an appointment. Missed appointments will be billed in full. Please call on time for your appointment. If you are late we might not be able to completely finish your appointment, before the next call. If you are more than 10 minutes late I will not take the call. 
Please write everything down that is being discussed , once I have finished your call I will be moving onto the next appointment 
and as I discuss several animals I might not remember exactly what was discussed with your animal. 
Distance Healing $45 + GST = $47.25. Based on 30 minute session  

All consults are done from 9am-10:30am on weekdays only. I start my hands on appointments at 11am and I do NOT work on weekends. 

As of September 15th 2021 All NEW phone consult clients will have to pay before an appointment time is given. This is non refundable and it is the client’s responsibility to ensure they call at the right time and day for their scheduled appointment. 
This money is not transferable too another appointment time. Another appointment time will be allotted once payment is made.

I do not send out appointment reminders it is your responsibility to call for you appointment. If you want to confirm I’m happy too respond. 

Picture Assesments 

Picture assessments are done on a First come basis. You will receive a full email written report with recommendations. I will need horses name and age, recent pictures front, back and both sides, and current diet. Cost is $45 + tax = $47.25 due when pictures are sent. 
Email Bronx1313@xplornet.com

How do I make payment?

Payment for all services is due at the time of service unless previously arranged... Accepted methods are Cash, PayPal, and E-Mail money transfer, Visa & MasterCard a 3% fee will apply to visa and MasterCard methods of payment. 
For E transfer email Bronx1313@xplornet.com

Effective Immediately all invoices not paid same day of service are subject too a $5.00 per day overdue fee. 

General Information 

All products will be shipped within 24 hours after payment is received. 
Products will not be shipped until payment is received. 

Please note I love helping you and your horse.  But when I am competing I am just a competitor at that time not a therapist. Asking me "what is my horse saying right now?" Or wanting advice will be responded to with please book an appointment. 
I am more than happy to help you at a regular appointment. 

My phone is turned off evenings and weekends. So please don't think I am ignoring you. I try to adhere to regular business hours. 

All phone calls, texts, and emails will be returned as soon as possible...Due to the busy nature of the season it might take a few days before I am able to get back to you.... If you are having a problem with your horse, please book a regular appointment or a phone consult, that way we can find the best solution to your problems. Calls and texts will be returned during regular weekday hours. 

Why I Recommend Certain Products

I have through much trial and error found the products that work best with my multifaceted approach to therapy.  Every therapist recommends certain products that match their program and will give the most benefit to help healing, each suggestion as individual as the therapist behind it. I try very hard to support local and keep things accessible. 

I believe all suggestions from all practitioners have great merit, and will fit in the way they do practice. 

Best results is to follow the full suggestions and not substitute. You chose your therapist so trust the process with them.